
Down by the River钢琴简谱-数字双手-Milky Chance

发布日期:2023-12-07 09:07:19     来源:曲谱网会员空间     曲谱热度:

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Down by the River钢琴简谱-数字双手-Milky Chance1

Down by the River钢琴简谱-数字双手-Milky Chance2

Down by the River钢琴简谱-数字双手-Milky Chance3

Down by the River钢琴简谱-数字双手-Milky Chance4

Down by the River钢琴简谱歌词


Down by the river, I was drawn by your grace


Into tempest of oblivion and to the lovers-place

I was stuck in a puddle, full of tears and unwise


Dark doings now I know, that we've paid unlike

Honey I know, hey when we walked arm in arm

I felt like we can throw away the falseness of our past


And I know too it''s been the hardest days for you

Let''s throw them out the window


That's what those lovers do

Down by the river, I was drawn by your grace

Into tempest of oblivion and to the lovers-place


I was stuck in a puddle, full of tears and unwise

Dark doings now I know, that we've paid unlike

Honey I know, hey when we walked arm in arm


I felt like we can throw away the falseness of our past

And I know too it''s been the hardest days for you


Let''s throw them out the window

That's what those lovers do

Ooh, down by river


Ooh, down by river

Ooh, down by river


Ooh, down by river

Down by the river, I was drawn by your grace

Into tempest of oblivion and to the lovers-place


I was stuck in a puddle, full of tears and unwise

Dark doings now I know, that we've paid unlike

Honey I know, hey when we walked arm in arm


I felt like we can throw away the falseness of our past

And I know too it''s been the hardest days for you


Let''s throw them out the window

That's what those lovers do

Ooh, ooh


Ooh, ooh

Ooh, ooh

Ooh, ooh








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普通DISCO钢琴简谱-数字双手-洛天依 言和

普通DISCO,洛天依 言和


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