
Lovers on the Sun钢琴谱-David Guetta

发布日期:2023-12-07 09:07:19     来源:曲谱网会员空间     曲谱热度:

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Lovers on the Sun钢琴谱-David Guetta1

Lovers on the Sun钢琴谱-David Guetta2

是瑞典金牌DJ Avicii联手法国顶级DJ David Guetta以及Sam Martin新单。歌词版MV首播,美国西部牛仔电影般的镜头 油画般的色彩,配上动感深情音乐,给你强烈的视听冲击!

Lovers on the Sun歌词:

Let’s light it up, let’s light it up

Until our hearts catch fire

And so the world, a burning light

They've never shined so bright

We’ll find a way, we’ll find a way

To keep the cold night

From breaking in over the walls

Into the wild side

The hunger satisfies

We're burning up

We might as well be lovers on the sun

We might as well be lovers on the sun

We might as well be lovers on the sun

We’ll never know, we’ll never know

What stands behind the North

But I got a feeling

It’s a feeling that’s we’re dying for

Just close your eyes, and hold your breath

Because it feels right

We’ll keep it moving till we make it to the other side

And let’s enjoy the ride

We're burning up

We might as well be lovers on the sun

We might as well be lovers on the sun

We might as well be lovers on the sun

Let’s light it up, let’s light it up

Until our hearts catch fire

And so the world, a burning light

They've never shined so bright

Tags: the(2204) ON(346) David(84) Guetta(44) Sun(29) Lovers(18)




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2023-12-07 09:07:19

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